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TESI Assessment

Teams are the engines that run our business, our community, perhaps ultimately our world. Work and play are organized around teams to gain powerful performance results. Lucky members of these teams enjoy their experience working together and the organization benefits from their enhanced productivity.
Team Emotional and Social Intelligence (TESI) is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and to recognize and respond effectively to those of others.

The TESI assessment is designed to enable team members and their leaders to systematically evaluate their team performance and understand the seven critical behaviors that are requisite for building high - performance teams. At the end of the workshop, team members will select one or two goals for improving their skills.

The TESI assessment enables teams to measure their effectiveness in the following competencies :

1.    Team Identity
2.    Motivation
3.    Emotional Awareness
4.    Communication
5.    Conflict Resolution
6.    Stress Tolerance
7.    Positive Mood

Contact or call us at (30) 210 4676658. We would be pleased to provide you with further information about TESI assessment approach and the way you benefit from it.